Saturday, 27 July 2013

# Developer Log - Why does LibGDX (Mtx) awsome with Unity3D ?

Hi my fellow developers, I have been extremely busy and working and working alot. Done couple of clients works, completed around 10-12 android apps, studying and learning about marketing, experimenting with ad networks, the most important one is I was focusing on Unity3D.

By the way some of our apps with other developers (sorry our strict policies) become very very successful, quite an achievement for us.

I have a top project with the highest priority at the moment. For my latest game (Still a secret) I made a simple level editor with LibGDX/MTX in only 3 days, this was awesome and essay. Game will be Unity3D the game.

Here is my simple level editor

How things will work ?
1. Create a level in LibGDX editor
2. Export level to xml file in a single second
3. Read xml file in Unity3D
4. Start Level

I decied this game around 1 week ago, it should be awsome and very long around 300 levels. I made the editor so that I can make a single level under 7-8 minutes :D and directly test the level in unity in 2 minutes, all together 10 minutes for a level, pretty awsome.

I bought these at the moment:
Unity3D NGUI: $95
Unity3D Galaxy Pack: $15

I will buy:
Epic Music Pack: $40
Some assets around: $25

Marketing :
Thinking around $1000 as start

So total will be around $1200 for the game, It is pretty cheap as you see for the start.

I love LibGDX and Mtx, both very neat, easy to use, mostly error free, totally user control. For Unity3D I cant say same things, scripting is boring, untidy, editor with full of errors, stupid bugs, unknown backed crashes, so as you understand unity3d means unlimited problems.

On the other hand Unity3D is lighting fast, NGUI is awsome for GUIs. If I make a game with LibGDX in 30 days, I can make same game in Unity3D in around 6-7 days, no shitttinggg... The difference is FPS, LibGDX has awsome FPS, but Unity3D will not even open in many devices.

I of course continue my LibGDX adventure with Mtx, but nowadays I am very busy with learning, testing and other stuff... Mtx v2.1 still in beta but %100 functional without errors, so you can use it.

Take care everybody.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

#6.3 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - MainStarter / AbstractGame

Our MainStarter is extends the AbstractGame which is inital point of our game. This is constructed once and used until we exit the game, all screens managed by the game class.

News - Moving to GITHUB

Now I decided to move GITHUB, Lets improve the code alltogether :)

The problem I never used GITHUB and it bored me like hell with stupid errors like  master none rejected etc... At the end I managed to push the project.

If I do not destroy the repo mistakenly with my stupidity, lets improve the project all together :DDD... Keep in touch guys...

Sunday, 19 May 2013

#6.2 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - The Structure

First of all, this may not be the greatest game structure of all or perfect idea of game foundations. I will admit that I have unique style of my own. I worked many other game structures, MVC styles and so on. They have all pros and cons, but at the end I ended up with my own unique structure which works fine for me. In future, I will adapt to new structures, I will learn from my mistakes, all in all, I am newbie guy that graduated from university recently and tries to find a path in game programming world.

#6.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - The Project

I had this game idea very long before, I also made very simple prototype called "Dark Flame Words", but in that time I got bored :)) and left the project. The game is simple, just guess the shuffled lettered words without touching fire, so you will not be punished, also there are an extinguisher to get rid of flames etc...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Mtx v2.1 BETA (Flame Words Game) Finally Here (Source codes + Tutorials)

Mtx v2.1 BETA finally here, now it is a library (mtx.jar, no more packages). I made a sample game "Flame Words".

This is a simple, yet awsome game, try it on Google Play, Please RATE and COMMENT the game to support us on Google Play! The game is about guessing words without touching fire, lots other mini funs in it. It took about 2 weeks to complete

Source should be available at Download Page now, I will post tutorials day by day from this week, so they will be coming. File abit huge (50 mb), I have Jazz Music files, etc, also other stuff... Nothing to worry about.

Enjoy the most updated code...

Monday, 1 April 2013

# Update - Mtx v2.1 on the way (All in One edition)

Mtx is fairly updated with the version 2.1, and added many features also there have been internal changes, Lets see what are those;

Friday, 8 February 2013

#5.3 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Game State

How to manage game state, well thanks to LibGDX Scene2D, it is very easy.

#5.2 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) World Scene2D

As you know, the GameManager has already created the main world and the world layers, but what are these exactly, how can we use these for games and live wallpapers.

#5.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Game Manager

Now lets talk about game/live wallpaper structure/logic that can be built with LibGDX Scene2D. As you know Scene2D consists of Stage/Group/Actors. By using Mtx, I have created objects which extends these Scene2D elements with very useful features. (AbstractScreen, AbstractWorldScene2D, AbstractActor)

Monday, 4 February 2013

# Tutorial (Show Us The Good Series) - Jungle Game Menu

You have completed your awesome game (2D/3D or anything else) in LibGDX in your way. Now its time to polish it with interactive stuff like a charming game menu. Lets see how can we do that in only 1 day.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

#4.2 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_08_SmartModels

This is where thing gets exiting. SmartModel is designed for and easy life for LibGDX Scene2D and Live Wallpaper developers. Lets talk about it.

#4.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_07_EffectCreator

Time to move on to fun stuff like effects. Effects are simply combination of Scene2D Actions. In order to prevent code duplication in everywhere. I collected useful effects under EffectCreator class, you can create effects in a single line of code and dispose them from stage if you want. It is very convenient and useful. Everything is so fast and easy to use.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

#3.7 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_06_CollisionDetection

Some developers may need collision detection for actors.


#3.6 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_05_InputIntent 2

What if I just need to detect swipe intentions not minor drags on the screen. The very simple solution is again InputIntent class.

FOR EXAMPLE: When you get notification center in android, you need to drag abit longer, nut just minor drags like 4-5 pixels.

#3.5 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_04_InputIntent 1

Sometimes we need to detect drag direction of user (without removing finger off the screen or vice-versa), Also we may need to detect which area of the screen being touched at the moment. The solution is InputIntent Class, extremely easy to use.

Monday, 28 January 2013

#3.4 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_03_AbstractActors

AbstractActors are %100 same with Mtx v1.0 with additional features;

- New constructor with DIPActive (we talked about this previously...)
- Particle Ready

#3.3 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Test_02_AppSettings

Test_01 is for all tests menu screen, so there is not much talk about main menu at the moment. Here lets look at Test_02:

#3.2 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX) Anti-Strecth/Black Bars Formula


What is the problem of all developers, definitely device resolutions. Is there a perfect fix for the problem, unfortunately NO, but we can %90-95 adopt a solution to fix this problem. Of course, there is already another solution with black bars, but we do not want that.

What are the regular resolutions, 320x240, 480x800, 960x540, 1280x720, 1920x1080 and other similar resolutions with minor changes.

If you already use the Mtx v1.0, you will see the stretch problem for the devices with different resolutions beside 800x480. But with Mtx v2.0, I created a basic idea to fix the problem.

#3.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX v2.0) Tutorial Structures & Project

Since Mtx v1.0, couple of new changes made over mtx, it is now more structured. Project and tutorial style will be similar with minor changes. If you like LibGDX Scene 2D, this will make your life easier for games, games menus, live wallpapers and so on...

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Mtx v2.0 Almost Here

First of all, I have to thank LibGDX family. They helped me make a small fortune from games and live wallpapers.

I managed to finish the second version of MTX with sexy new features beside my works with other developers. Everything is much easier.

Many problems are fixed. Its totally game and live wallpaper ready. I will start publishing tutorials with the code next week.

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Blog Updates

I was updating the blog recently, its now %90 updated. I am working so hard nowadays, but many things are completed now. Stay tuned...