Sunday, 19 May 2013

#6.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - The Project

I had this game idea very long before, I also made very simple prototype called "Dark Flame Words", but in that time I got bored :)) and left the project. The game is simple, just guess the shuffled lettered words without touching fire, so you will not be punished, also there are an extinguisher to get rid of flames etc...

Around 2 weeks at most (8-9 days coding, 2 days graphics, 2 days test and deployment)
I did all the coding myself and I prepared %80 of graphics. I got the animations from "Pow Studios" (many thanks to them) and the wonderfull 3 Jazz Music from Kevin Macleod (very greatfull to him).

The game runs smoothly in most of device with +50 FPS and all other devices is fix 60 FPS, quite good results. You may think it is a simple game, but it is not actually. There are 60 sparkles constantly moving (60 Smart Actors) and 40 animated mini fire that become the bottom fire, and each of them being scaled almost to screen size if you guess the word wrong. So it means there are 100 actors with scaling and animations non-stop. Also there are other UI elements etc...


"FIXME" you will see this everywhere in the game codes, beacuse I did not made a perfect game here, even like this works superp though, thanks to LibGDX. I noted a lot of fixme that improve game performance and memory in the future

I refactored classes and structured most of packages, more optimized and more performance achieved at the moment. Still there are tests needs to be done, also some classes not implemented at the moment but everything works just fine as you can see the Game Flame Words.

The project is under license Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (All codes can be used freely Personal/Commercial). However the assets (Graphics, Sounds, Musics, Animations, etc..) that created by us are cannot be used anywhere. Of course the musics/sounds from Kevin Macleod and animations from Pow Studios can be used as long as the credit given to those respectful owners..

(Please rate and comment, if you only like the game!)


1 comment:

  1. Could you reupload flame-words source code link again? It's a dead link now. Thanks !
