Did I say fast before, but nothing like this. I will show you to meaning of fast. In 25 line of codes (without comments), you are going to implement these:
Not much to say run the code from project, read comments and documentations
Did I say fast before, but nothing like this. I will show you to meaning of fast. In 25 line of codes (without comments), you are going to implement these:
- Level button table
- Sliding animation action for the table
- Fully customizable ButtonLevels with %100 functionality
- Set button textures, star holders, stars or any other achievement objects you want (coins, bottles, points ...)
- Set the earned stars from database or text files
- Lock the the levels which you desire (from database or text file) with a texture you want
Not much to say run the code from project, read comments and documentations
private void setUpLevelsScreen() { // Create levels table // ###################################################################### levelsTable1 = MenuCreator.createTable(true, Assets.getSkin()); levelsTable1.setPosition(-999, 0); levelsTable1.addAction(Actions.moveTo(0, 0, 0.7f)); levelsTable1.top().left().pad(30, 30, 30, 30); // Add to stage // ###################################################################### getStage().addActor(levelsTable1); // Add levels buttons // Normally get this number from textfiles or database // ###################################################################### int numberOfLevels = 20; // Create buttons with a loop for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLevels; i++){ //1. Create level button final ButtonLevel levelButton = MenuCreator.createCustomLevelButton(Assets.btnLevel,Assets.btnLevelPressed); //2. Set level number levelButton.setLevelNumber(i + 1, Assets.font2); //3. Set lock condition (get from database if it is locked or not and lock it) // use if/else here to lock or not // levelButton.setTextureLocked(Assets.btnBatLocked, true); //4. Set stars or any other achievements (get from database or text files here) // I just made a random number of earned stars Random rnd = new Random(); levelButton.setLevelStars(Assets.imgStarHolder, Assets.imgStar, 3, rnd.nextInt(3) + 1); //5. Add listener //Add button listener to go to a level (gamascreen) levelButton.addListener(new ActorGestureListener() { @Override public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { super.touchUp(event, x, y, pointer, button); } }); //6. Add row after each 5 level button to go down or how many do you need if(i % 5 == 0){ levelsTable1.row(); } // Add to table levelsTable1.add(levelButton).size(100, 100).pad(5, 5, 5, 5).expand(); } }
Hi moribito, I want to implement this LevelSelection screen in my game. I have successfully implemented ur credits screen...but this is causing NullPointer Exception in render method if I am adding line to it such as
probably due to setText()..
The Screen is showing everything except the Level number. I tried a lot but couldn't solve it. Please help. Is there some some problem with Sprite Batch. I am using this Screen with the MTXFramework you used in JungleMainMenu.
How do you actually load the level?