Tuesday, 21 May 2013

#6.3 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - MainStarter / AbstractGame

Our MainStarter is extends the AbstractGame which is inital point of our game. This is constructed once and used until we exit the game, all screens managed by the game class.

News - Moving to GITHUB

Now I decided to move GITHUB, Lets improve the code alltogether :)

The problem I never used GITHUB and it bored me like hell with stupid errors like  master none rejected etc... At the end I managed to push the project.

If I do not destroy the repo mistakenly with my stupidity, lets improve the project all together :DDD... Keep in touch guys...

Sunday, 19 May 2013

#6.2 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - The Structure

First of all, this may not be the greatest game structure of all or perfect idea of game foundations. I will admit that I have unique style of my own. I worked many other game structures, MVC styles and so on. They have all pros and cons, but at the end I ended up with my own unique structure which works fine for me. In future, I will adapt to new structures, I will learn from my mistakes, all in all, I am newbie guy that graduated from university recently and tries to find a path in game programming world.

#6.1 Tutorial (LibGDX & MTX 2.1+) Flame Words - The Project

I had this game idea very long before, I also made very simple prototype called "Dark Flame Words", but in that time I got bored :)) and left the project. The game is simple, just guess the shuffled lettered words without touching fire, so you will not be punished, also there are an extinguisher to get rid of flames etc...

Friday, 17 May 2013

Mtx v2.1 BETA (Flame Words Game) Finally Here (Source codes + Tutorials)

Mtx v2.1 BETA finally here, now it is a library (mtx.jar, no more packages). I made a sample game "Flame Words".

This is a simple, yet awsome game, try it on Google Play, Please RATE and COMMENT the game to support us on Google Play! The game is about guessing words without touching fire, lots other mini funs in it. It took about 2 weeks to complete

Source should be available at Download Page now, I will post tutorials day by day from this week, so they will be coming. File abit huge (50 mb), I have Jazz Music files, etc, also other stuff... Nothing to worry about.

Enjoy the most updated code...